Monthly Archives: February 2013

Photo Horse

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been organizing and specifically labeling all of our photographs and filing them into chronological order in photo boxes.  (Yay for organization!)  I figure since our kids all look so much alike as babies, I’d better label now.  That way, in 10 years I won’t be going, “Which kid is this???” Continue reading Photo Horse

From “Truth from Trent” blog…


Truth from Trent

My entire life has been influenced by technology. To begin with, I am a software developer that writes code on the leading edge platforms for application development. So my livelihood is dependent upon technology. I use the Internet every day and my business would falter without it. In fact, one of my products is an application framework that we sell all around the world to other developers. This product is localized (translated) into 18 different languages. This would not have been possible 20 years ago, or even 15 really. But with the advent of the Internet, my business and products can reach people around the world, pretty cool, eh? Our flagship product is an electronic medical records system which will be a point for discussion later. This is an enormous application that is sold primarily in the United States, but we are trying expand into Brazil.

I tell you all…

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Tin for Ten

Next month, my husband and I have been married for ten marvelous years. Within those ten, there’s not been a single bad one in the lot. Honest to goodness.

Our original plan for celebrating ten years involved a sandy, sunny beach, but then we had a sweet baby girl instead. That’s even better, right? But it did leave the gift thing wide open.

As I was cooking dinner the other day, my babe stood next to me and asked, “For our anniversary, would you rather have a new refrigerator or something sparkly?” Continue reading Tin for Ten